Slack notification for BigQuery results using GitHub Actions

Zoltan Varadi
2 min readFeb 11, 2022

Have you ever felt like this?

I want to monitor my data in BQ, but don’t want to write code or set up infra.

This article is for you.


Why not use GitHub actions to run a script which does exactly that?
I built a GitHub action script just for this, feel free to use it:


  • ✅ GitHub Actions can execute code using a preset schedule
    Great, GitHub does the work for us, no need to set up any Scheduled Query, PubSub, Notification channel, etc.
  • ✅ Service Account for GCP with sufficient privileges to execute BQ queries
    I recommend to save the contents of your Service Account JSON as a repository secret
  • ✅ You will need a Slack Webhook URL
    Just use incoming webhook, no need to overcomplicate
  • ✅ Write your SQL
  • ✅ Set up your workflow YAML
    Here is a sample:
name: Run SQL against BQ and notify slack
- cron: '0 10 * * *' # run every day at 10:00
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Execute SQL query and send results to Slack
- name: Run
uses: data-i-consulting/bq2slack-github-action@v1.0.6
slack_webhook: ${{secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK}}
gcp_service_account: ${{secrets.GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT}}
sql: |
WITH something AS (
SELECT 1 as my_number
SELECT * FROM something

That’s it, you will get a slack message with your query results each time the workflow executes.

This is what the Slack message looks like:

Hope you’ll love this simple, easy and lazy solution as much as I do.

